A year ago, I saw in the news a report about my country Ecuador. This report captured my attention because indigenous and people that live deep in the amazons were getting mutations in their bodies and different diseases. This was something very strange and new to me because it was not something that would hear in the news about my country. I found that there two main causes for the problems that these people were facing. The first one is petroleum and the second one is the aerial spraying to kill cocaine. This really shocked me because I did not have any idea that this was going on in Ecuador.
What a bad patriot I am?
This is why I have decided to pick this crisis for my research paper. I want to learn about the effect of petroleum and the aerial spraying to these people. I have so many different questions that I want to find their answers that can help me understand this problem. I want to learn all I can in order to write a clear explanation of this problem to people like me that did not have idea it was happening. In addition, I want it to help people from my native country to understand their conditions and how they can solve it. This research will be used for professional people to realize how they are affecting innocent people. This paper will demonstrate how a beautiful, clean, safe and pure environment is poison in order to make our lives easier.
Annotated Sources
Leahy, Stephen. Intern Press Service. “COLOMBIA-ECUADOR: Studies Find DNA Damage from Anti-Coca Herbicide.” June 16. http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=38205. 18 April, 2008.
Leahy gives an explanation about how the aerial spraying to kill the cocaine in Colombia is affecting people in Ecuador. All this spraying is getting mix with the water of lakes and rivers and crops that these indigenous and tribes are consuming.
Transnational Institute. “Ecuador: "Collateral Damage" From Aerial Spraying on the Northern Border.” 2004. http://www.tni.org/detail_page.phtml?page=drugscolombia-docs_ecuador-e. 18 April, 2008.
Transnational Institute is a website that talks about the big problem that is happing in Ecuador, due to the aerial spraying. This article gives information about when this problem started and its consequences to the Amazon people.
Third World Traveler. “Texaco's Ecological Terrorism of the Ecuadorian Amazon.” 2000. http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Oil_watch/Texaco_terrorism_Ecuador.html. 18 April, 2008.
This article gives information about how petroleum is affecting the people and land. The petroleum that was spill from the pipes had destroyed acres of land. This has leaved many people without food and to be surrounded by a contaminated environment.
These three resources are bery useful for my research paper. Each of them provides me information about how my Amazon people is been affected by our needs. These sources offers information that lets me know when it stared and how it has become worse. Both of these factors are destroying the Amazon forest and its people. These innocent people that depend on the environment to survive.
Hey Ligia,
I think your topic of choice is a really good one. What makes it a good topic is that it's affecting the world you came from and the people you love. Futhermore, if it's affecting the people, then it has already affected the environment to the point of it being an extremely serious problem.
I am curious to find out more about how this happened and why (if we already know about it)is it still taking place. Who is behind it all and what can we do to put an end to it.
Looking foward to reading more about your topic.
i totally agree with quintana i think that is a really good topic...i think that is a really good idea to write about something that is actually hiting home....and i also want to know more on how everything happened
at the same time i saw your sources and it seems that they give a lot of information and they are really interesting
Wow I had no idea that was going on in Ecuador. It's horrible that things like that can even happen, there is no humanity or any logical thinking. I myself am half Ecuadorian and I feel kind bad that I didn't even bother researching things going on over there, especially when unfortunate things like this have taken place. I am really looking forward to reading your paper, it's going to be very interesting and informative!!
I think you have a really solid idea here, and you have the bases for research covered rather well.
It would be interesting if you could find some commentary from the companies/governments that are doing the arial spraying. Are they aware of the effects of their behavior? And if so, what do they say about it?
This is a great topic to use for your research paper and it connects directly with the topic that Dr.X gave us to use which was
Environmental Racism. I am doing Environmental racism also but i am focusing more on its affects in the United states in urban cities. Let me ask you a question Ligia, do you think that this is going on in your country and these people are being taken advantage of because of race or their social economic status within the country?
This is going to be very interesting and it is something i feel you will have an easy time developing because it is something you feel very strongly about. Ilook at peoples topics and analyze them on whether i would pick it up and be interested to read it if it were an article in a magazine or the newspaper. This is one of the articles. Good Luck
Ligia, I think that you have a realy interesting topic. You have a very clear idea of what you want to do. What I like about your blog is that you seem to have an specific thing you want to write about in your research. Also, I think it is an interesting topic to wrtie about how these people are being affected by the things that we use, such as petrolium. Petrolium is used alot and somepeople do not even realize that it is benefiting us but it it also affecting others. I think it was a very good idea to decide to write about this.
also your sources look very good. I like the fact that each source specifies aparticular problem, this will be very helpful. You have found sources that talks exactly about your topic. I think this links are good ones. very helpful and useful.
What can I say but go for it. You have the motivation, you have the format, now you need some more sources.
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